Geospatial Data for Exploration & Geology

Regional Alteration Mapping

Interpretation-ready data for regional exploration programs
In regional exploration, areas of interest can stretch over thousands of square kilometers. Because these areas are usually large or inaccessible, gathering surficial data can be time consuming and difficult. But without geological data, geologists face major challenges in planning large-scale exploration programs.

With PhotoSat’s Regional Alteration Mapping package, geologists get the unique data required to help select the best exploration targets, without the need for ground access.
Applications for key deposit types:
  • Epithermal
  • Porphyry
  • VMS
  • And many more
Technical Specifications:
Geolocated alteration mapping
Ground Resolution (GSD)
More Info
Alteration Deliverable Specifications
Some specifications for alteration deliverables depend on the satellite used to acquire the imagery.
Spatial Resolution Alteration Images (pixel size) Context Images (pixel size)
WV3 Panchromatic (50 cm),
VNIR (1.2 m),
SWIR (3.7 m)
Alunite (2 m)
Kaolinite (2 m)
Buddingtonite (2 m)
Opal/chalcedony (2 m)
Calcite (2 m)
Chlorite/epidote (2 m)
Sericite (2 m)
Montmorillonite (2 m)
Goethite (2 m)
Hematite (2 m)
Jarosite (2 m)
Iron oxide gossans (2 m)
Geology enhanced image (2 m)
Colour orthophoto (50 cm)
Greyscale orthophoto (50 cm)
Vegetation index (2 m)
SWIR (30 m)
TIR (90 m)
Alunite (12.5 m)
Kaolinite (12.5 m)
Buddingtonite (12.5 m)
Calcite (12.5 m)
Chlorite/epidote (12.5 m)
Sericite (12.5 m)
Iron oxide gossans (12.5 m)
Silica (75 m)
Geology enhanced image (12.5 m)
Greyscale orthophoto (12.5 m)
Vegetation index (12.5 m)
Vegetation Removal
Available from Archive Imagery
Archive only
Alteration Images
Alunite; kaolinite; buddingtonite; calcite; chlorite; sericite;iron oxide gossans; silica
Coordinate System
Any, including custom mine grids


The Regional Alteration Mapping package includes these standard deliverables.
Standard Deliverables Optional Deliverables

Alteration GeoTIFF

One interpretation-ready RGB alteration image for each mineral showing the 2D distribution from possible to probable and one customization-ready alteration image with the added ability to easily change colour tables and conduct additional analysis.
Resolution: 12.5 m pixel
File format(s): GeoTIFF
No optional deliverables

Cerro Casale with ASTER

How can alteration mapping from ASTER imagery support regional exploration planning?

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